La seguente trascrizione corrisponde all'intero testo dell'articolo di giornale che riporta la notizia della morte per overdose di Amanda Curran. Nel film, il quotidiano titola ironicamente in prima pagina "Lucky to be alive" e la stessa ironia si trova in questo articolo che parla di Leon Vitali come di un acclamato stilista alla moda. Il nome di Vitali, attore in Barry Lyndon e poi assistente personale di Kubrick, si ritrova anche in un cartellone pubblicitario visibile durante le peregrinazioni di Bill Harford (Tom Cruise).
L'articolo è firmato da Larry Celona, che nei credit di Eyes Wide Shut figura come consulente giornalistico.
Il testo seguente è stato ricavato dal DVD del film: non si tratta dell'articolo tradotto in italiano per le copie in pellicola distribuite nel nostro Paese ma appartiene alla versione originale inglese.
L'impaginazione è riportata fedelmente, inclusi gli a capo e gli errori di stampa. A fondo pagina, una traduzione dell'articolo.
any crime against Miss Curran, but we would like to talk to these two men to see what they can tell us about her final hours" before she was discovered, the spokesman said. Officials decline to say what drug or drugs Curran OD'd on. It was unclear if there was anyone in the room with her at the time she ingested the drugs. her at the time she ingested the drugs. Her sister, Jane Curran, told The Post, "the overdose must have been an accident. Mandy and I were as close as sisters can get. We didn't have any secrets. If there had been anything wrong, she would have told me." Jane, a 26-year-old perfume consul- tant, said that her sister was emo- tionally troubled as a teenager, but had managed to put it behind her. "She'd undergone treatment for de- pression in her teens, but there was a long time ago." |
She said that her sister was not to- tally satisfied with her career, but was still hoping to turn her beauty pageant success into an acting gig. "Things had'nt gone as well as she'd expected after winning the Miss New York title, but she was considering several television offers. "She has many important friends in the fashion and entertainment worlds "She has many important friends in the fashion and entertainment worlds and she believed she'd break through in the end. It was just a matter of time." After being hired for a series of magazine ads for London fashion de- signer Leon Vitali, rumors began cir- culating of an affair between the two. Soon after her hiring, Vitali empire insiders were reporting that their boss adored Curran - not for how she wore his stunning clothes in pub- lic, but for how she wowed him by taking them off in private, seductive solo performances. |
Ex reginetta di bellezza in overdose in un hotel
di Larry Celona
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