Stanley Kubrick who, at 24, is the producer-photographer-director-editor of three commercially sold films, does not see his pictures through 3-D glasses, nor has he, as yet, shot in color. Up to the present he has worked in the stark realism and within the budget of black, white and shadows.
"I have never seen any 3-D except Bwana Devil," he admitted, "and I applauded the newsreel which followed. But, as far as third-dimension technique is concerned, I understand it, though I've never worked in it nor seen the results of Cinema-Scope and other mediums. I hope very much to make a color film, and no doubt, I will."
Kubrick's picture now under discussion is Fear and Desire, which Joe Burstyn is sponsoring at a Guild Theater premier Tuesday and in all probability will sell to a circuit after its initial run.
"It was filmed," the unconventionally garbed, sensitive, brown-eyed youth with a mop of unkempt dark hair, informed us at a 75 West St. confab, "on the outskirts of Los Angeles in Azuza, a good-looking forest." (We ventured that it was more difficult, likely, to find a good-looking forest than a good-looking girl on the fringe of L.A. He agreed.)
The picture concerns the exploits of an imaginary army and has a fairy tale quality. There is love interest, too. No "names" in the cast with the exception of Frank Silvera, who is currently on stage at the National in Tennessee Williams' Camino Real.
How did this career happen, and when?
"I've been a photography bug since childhood," Star said. "When I was at Taft H. S. in the Bronx I sold five picture stories to LOOK. I went to City College for a year, continuing as a LOOK free-lance photographer. Then I quit school and asked for a full time job, which I got." He also acquired a wife named Toba, who is his script girl and dialogue director. They have diggings in Greenwich Village, where they live when they are not off somewhere on location. His hobbies: chess and baseball, and he likes to the way his sister, Adelphi student, plays guitar and sings folk ballads.
He left the magazine three years ago to attempt movies, "with my good friend Dick de Rochemont putting up some of the money to back my first short subject, The Day of the Fight, which RKO released.
"On that deal I made exactly $50. But RKO accepted my second subject, Sky Pilot, about a priest who flew over New Mexico. It netted me $1,500 and satisfaction, since eight co-investors came to my aid for my first feature which cost $100,000.
"The script is written by Howard O. Sackler, poet laureate of my high school, and the musical score is by Gerald Fried, with whom I used to play basketball and baseball in the Bronx. We have ambitious future plans, in a small way. We will make a Love Story of New York, shooting all around the town."
New York Post, March 27, 1953