The Territorial Imperative of Stanley Kubrick
During the weeks after 2001 premiered, and controversy raged as to what he had in mind, Stanley Kubrick gave only a couple of interviews. He agreed to be interviewed by the newspaper BOOKS - "news not reviews" - on the condition that he would review and edit the transcript. The interview lasted for eight hours, but Kubrick approved only four comments for publication the next day. To fill the half of the front page that had been set aside for publicationof transcript hilights, BOOKS published its Kubrick interviews as follows under the full-paper-width headline "The Territorial Imperative of Stanley Kubrick".
The eight hour interview
The making of Kubrick's 2001 by Jerome Agel, 1972
The Territorial Imperative of Stanley Kubrick
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
"I'd rather not discuss the film."
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
"It takes about a year to let an idea reach an obsessional
state so I know what I really want to do with it."
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
"The feel of the experience is the important thing, not the
ability to verbalize or analyze it."
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
"You have to be prepared to make adjustments."
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
We've just spent eight hours interviewing Stanley Kubrick.
BOOKS, Spring 1968