ArchivioKubrick is a project designed, produced and mantained by Filippo Ulivieri for educational purposes only.
ArchivioKubrick is not associated in any way with the following companies and institutions:
Hobby Films Ltd.
Stanley Kubrick Estate
Time Warner Communications Corporation
Turner Broadcasting
Warner Bros. Studios
Documents such as articles, interviews and multimedia files duplicated from other websites are published here to obtain an archive as much cohesive and complete as possible and for research purposes only. All documents have been collected from newspapers, magazines and websites and are understood to be copyright-free. The source for each document is specified whenever it can be retrieved. The materials published here are otherwise copyrighted by their respective authors. Changes and corrections may apply as required. If any material ought not to be included in these pages, please contact me so that it will be taken off.
This is a non-profit web site.
All commentaries accompanying available materials in ArchivioKubrick are intellectual property of the author of this Web site under applicable copyright laws. Unauthorised copy, edit, re-sale, charging for use, publication, transfer, or transmission by any means, electronic or mechanical, of part or all the forementioned commentaries, including original text, translation into Italian of external materials, images, backgrounds, icons, buttons and scans of vintage material, is prohibited without the webmaster's permission.
This restriction includes the use of the forementioned material in any other publication, whether printed or electronic, including rebroadcast on the World Wide Web and archiving for public availability in Internet-accessible FTP or HTTP directories.
Concept and design: Filippo Ulivieri
Graphic layout: Filippo Ulivieri with Nicola Silva
Research for material: Filippo Ulivieri, Nicola Silva
HTML & PHP consultant: Nicola Silva
The design of the upper navigation bar is of course inspired by the Apple.com website. It is temporary and a new series of buttons is currently under development. It will be changed as soon as possible, but nothing is more definitive than what is temporary, though :)