La morte di Kubrick sui notiziari
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Etichette: Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato
As Kubrick's next film is to be about Napoleon, I find myself now writing a novel about Napoleon. God knows why I am doing this; there is no guarantee that he will use it, or even that the book will be published. Just the fascination of what's difficult, or an expression of masochism that lies in all authors, or a certain pride in attacking the impossible. My Napoleon novel will be very brief, and to write a brief novel on Napoleon is far more difficult than to write War and Peace. But you can take this present labour as a product of the Orange film, and by God it is a labour.Burgess concluderà il suo romanzo, Napoleon Symphony, e lo darà alle stampe nel 1974, ma non lo vedrà neppure sfiorato da Kubrick: l'unico riferimento a Burgess tra il carteggio del Napoleon recentemente esaminato è lo sbrigativo appunto "Burgess – how do I read his novel" inserito nelle bozze del contratto con la Warner Bros.
All works of art are dangerous. My little son tried to fly after seeing Disney’s Peter Pan. I grabbed his legs just as he was about to take off from a fourth story window. A man in New York State sacrificed 67 infants to the God of Jacob; he just loved the Old Testament. A boy in Oklahoma stabbed his mother’s second husband after seeing Hamlet. A man in Kansas City copulated with his wife after reading Lady Chatterley’s Lover. After seeing A Clockwork Orange, a lot of boys will take up rape and pillage and even murder – The point is, I suppose, that human beings are good and innocent before they come into contact with works of art. Therefore all art should he banned. Hitler would never have dreamed of world conquest if he hadn’t read Nietzsche in the Reader’s Digest. The excesses of Robespierre stemmed from reading Rousseau. Even music is dangerous. The works of Delius have led more than one adolescent to suicide. Wagner’s Tristan and Isolde used to promote crafty masturbation in the opera house. And look what Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony does to Alex in A Clockwork Orange. If I were President of the United States, I should at once enact a total prohibition of films, plays, books and music. My book intended to be a delicious dream, not a nightmare of terror, beauty and concupiscence. Burn films – they make marvellous bonfires. Burn books. Burn this issue of Rolling Stone.Yeah, burn this blog! Burn the Internet!
Etichette: Dal passato, Testimonianze
Among the talents Look attracted was a young Stanley Kubrick, who sold his first photograph to the magazine at the age of 16 and continued to work for it for five years. In his images of prizefighters and showgirls, New York is a noirish, not-quite-believable backdrop, as it was in Kubrick’s much later film “Eyes Wide Shut.”
Even his sunnier assignments have a suspenseful edge. He was one of three photographers assigned to cover the spectacle of a Midtown billboard painter working, high up on a scaffold, from a live model. The other shooters focused on the woman and the product, the Peter Pan bra company’s “Merry-Go-Round” (slogan: “The secret’s in the circle!”). Kubrick took close-ups of the gobsmacked people on the ground.
Etichette: Dal passato, Eventi e notizie
Etichette: Curiosità, Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato, Eventi e notizie
Etichette: Dal passato
Etichette: Curiosità, Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato
Fear and Desire was a lousy feature, very self-conscious, easily discernible as an intellectual effort, but very roughly, and poorly, and ineffectively made.
[The artist speaks for himself, Robert Emmett Ginna, 1960]
Etichette: Dal passato, Libri e DVD
Today Keith Gordon and I did an audio commentary for Kubrick's "The Seafarers" documentary. Anyone who's seen "The Seafarers" knows that it's an early work - really early. It is, in fact, his first color film - made just before "Fear and Desire" - and it's more of a historical curiosity than an actual "Kubrick film", although if you look hard you can see hints of the Kubrickian grammar growing within it.L'edizione è tuttora curata da Alexander Pietrzak e offre tra i contenuti speciali, oltre a questo commento, anche un'intervista ad Anya Kubrick, figlia del regista. Stando al bollino sulla copertina, l'edizione è approvata dalla Stanley Kubrick Estate.
Etichette: Dal passato, Libri e DVD
Etichette: Dal passato, Libri e DVD
Etichette: AK, Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato, Testimonianze
Etichette: AK, Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato
Etichette: Dal passato, Testimonianze
OHMIGOD!!!! I have NEVER seen this piece of footage. Thank you SO much. It's wonderful. Also bizarre to see myself and my totally glamorous mother in the background. I remember that premiere very well. It was tremendously exciting and I recall feeling very grown up. I shall save this link for ever.
Etichette: Dal passato, Testimonianze